Race Rovers for 2022
It's that time of year again!   The league is looking for up to 30...30 rovers to cover the races this year.  We have 7 race days, with 25+ race waves that need to be covered by ROVERS.

What is a Rover?  You are the eyes and ears, riding your bike, on the racecourse.  You work together with other Rovers and the Rover Director to be sure the racers are safe and follow the NICA race rules. You give a bit of encouragement to those athletes that need it and move out of the way for those that don't.  

You are a level 2 or 3 NICA coach.
You will commit to 5 races and be prepared to ride 2 laps (up to 5 laps) with the same waves each race.
You will meet with the Rover Director on Race day for a debrief, immediately following the coaches' meeting.
You will agree to read the Rover paperwork and adhere to the guidelines laid out to promote a safe and successful race.
You will ride your mountain bike following all NICA rules while monitoring the racers on the course.
You will carry tools, first aid, water, and snacks on the course.

For your commitment and hard work, you will receive a sleeveless ROVER bib and a STIPEND.

Fill out the form completely if you want to ride bikes at the races this year! The goal is to schedule a rover to a specific wave for the entire season.   Incomplete forms will not be considered.

If you have questions you can email me - angela@wisconsinmtb.org.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Untitled Title
Untitled Title
Untitled Title
Name *
Coach Level?  The requirement is L2 this year.
Please indicate the amount of time or laps you would like to ride. Each lap is about 30-40 min.  **this may change once the final race schedule is put out.  You may choose more than one. *
My child is not in the category I chose above.
I have a mountain bike in good working order with straight bars.
I promise to be impartial on the trail during the race and treat each student-athlete the same regardless of their team, gender, ability, or whether I know them.
I will be at a minimum of 5 races and can commit to the same ride schedule for each race.
I will be at all the races.
Please indicate the races you will be at.  (with or without your team)
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Were you previously a ROVER?  If yes, what wave did you race with?
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このフォームは National Interscholastic Cycling Association 内部で作成されました。 不正行為の報告