Financial Aid Business Hours Poll

As part of our collaborative efforts to enhance support during the upcoming FAFSA simplification change management process, we are conducting a brief poll to gather information about potential hours of closure for financial aid offices across our colleges. Please take a moment to provide details about any scheduled closures for training within your financial aid office. Your input will help us identify common times for FA directors and SBCTC to meet, share knowledge, and offer support.

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Does your financial aid office have scheduled closures for training? *
If yes, please specify the days and hours when closures are planned: 
Day 1: [Insert Days Below]
Morning Closure: [Insert Time Below] 
Afternoon Closure: [Insert Time Below]
Day 2: [Insert Days Below]
Morning Closure: [Insert Time Below] 
Afternoon Closure: [Insert Time Below]
Are there any additional comments or considerations related to your office's closure for training?
First/Last Name *
College *

Thank you, your participation is highly appreciated, and the information gathered will contribute to creating a coordinated and supportive environment during this transition.

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