Swatcher Application for Atomic Polish
Thank you for applying to be a swatcher for us! Our swatch team is currently full but there are occasional openings when a swatcher steps back or needs to take a break. Please fill out the form of you would like to be considered for any future opportunities! I keep all applications on file :)

If chosen, we will send you bottles of polish to swatch and photograph. Swatcher packages usually go out every 2-3 months. We are looking for high quality photos of our polishes that are true to color. A bonus is swatching on reels as well as photographs in different lighting. Your photos will be used for our product launches and social media. All information is uploaded into a facebook group including deadlines and locations to upload photos. We currently pay $10 per bottle. There is no requirement to post about the polishes you swatch but we of course would love it if you do decide to share on your socials! We only ask you try to upload photos by the preferred date. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out this form.

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Your Name *
Your Email *
What platforms do you use for your swatching? *
Please list your swatching platform links here so we can check them out!  *
May we use your photos for marketing purposes? (Our social media, Website etc.) *
Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
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