Ειδικά σχεδιασμένο test Αγγλικών για ενήλικες σπουδαστές διαβαθμισμένης δυσκολίας.

 Αφορά στους σπουδαστές που θέλουν να μάθουν με ακρίβεια το επίπεδο Αγγλικών τους έτσι ώστε να γίνουν δεκτοί στα τμήματα PROFICIENCY FAST TRACK ΤΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟΥ μας και να πάρουν το χαρτί στο χέρι τους σε χρόνο ρεκόρ!

Οι υποψήφιοι σπουδαστές δεν έχουν παρά να συμπληρώσουν το proficiency placement test  και με ένα score πάνω από 65% να εγγραφούν στα τμήματά μας και να κάνουν δική τους την πιστοποίηση σε 2,5 μήνες!

Με την υποβολή των απαντήσεων το test εξετάζεται από τους καθηγητές μας , ακολουθεί ενημέρωση του σπουδαστή για το τελικό score ,προτάσεις ,καθώς και η ενδεδειγμένη στρατηγική που πρέπει να ακολουθήσει ο υποψήφιος για να πετύχει τον στόχο του.
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Τo Test είναι διαβαθμισμένης δυσκολίας άρα υπάρχουν ερωτήσεις εύκολες και πιο δύσκολες.

Μην το προσπαθήσετε κουρασμένοι ή με πίεση χρόνου.

Δεν είναι απαραίτητη η επανάληψη πριν το test. Στόχος μας είναι να διακρίνουμε το επίπεδο γνώσης τη δεδομένη στιγμή.

Σίγουρα θα δώσετε απαντήσεις βασιζόμενοι στις γνώσεις σας αλλά και την γενικότερη αντίληψη πού έχετε για την γλώσσα.

Αν το score σας είναι κάτω από το 65% μην απογοητεύεστε. Θα δημιουργήσουμε μαζί την ιδανική στρατηγική για να πετύχουμε τους στόχους μας το συντομότερο δυνατό!
1.        The situation could be prevented from deteriorating if the government …………………… a clearer policy. *
2.       …………………… living in London? *
3.       If justice ……………………, the guilty party will be imprisoned for more than twenty years. *
4.       Under no circumstances …………………… to take cell phones into the exam room. *
5.       Michael is determined to become president of the company. He’s so …………………… *
6.       The final …………………… on the agenda that day was the proposed pay cuts. *
7.       A target …………………… by the sales team each quarter if they are to receive a bonus. *
8.       I am …………………… of myself and others. *
9.       Microorganisms can be seen by the …………………… eye with aid of a high-powered microscope. *
10.    In the principal’s opinion, all-round education …………………… much more than memorization. *
11.     You can learn a lot about people by …………………… them. *
12.    One advantage of nuclear power is that it …………………… electricity without burning fossil fuels. *
13.    The teaching staff feel there’s …………………… to be said for reducing classes. *
14.    We can’t move in our new house …………………… they finish painting. *
15.    By eating fish, blood cholesterol …………………… can be reduced. *
16.    …………………… there are no more setbacks, generous rises are expected this year. *
17.    If you have difficulty …………………… your finances, get an accountant. *
18.    A …………………… investigation was carried out into the firm’s accounting practices. *
19.    Local residents threatened …………………… legal action if plans to construct the power plant went ahead. *
20.   It …………………… to snow when we left the hotel. *
21.    The streets were filled with demonstrators, …………………… were protesting against the building of the freeway. *
22.   He works hard for his money and he doesn’t …………………… with it easily. *
23.   The first year of the course …………………… of four modules and four extra-credit assignments. *
24.   – How’s your English?  -  Well, I …………………… it for two years now. *
25.   The President expressed his regret …………………… in the Middle East the previous day. *
26.   It won’t …………………… any good trying to fix that chair. It has to be thrown away. *
27.   Both fossil fuels and natural resources in this area are running …………………… *
28.   I always thought that Sandra was …………………… than you. *
29.   It is essential …………………… new resources of renewable energy. *
30.   The …………………… time is at 18:25. *
31.    A …………………… sum of money has been spent on the project and its promotion. *
32.   Ann was nicer …………………… I expected her to be. *
33.   It is hard to believe …………………… information is available to customers on the company website. *
34.   The restaurant is very busy. You should book a table in …………………… *
35.   Few …………………… that the semester should be extended as it is already very demanding. *
36.   If you got up earlier, you …………………… late for school so often. *
37.   The research will …………………… by the end of the year. *
38.   They didn’t …………………… how dangerous it was. *
39.   The hotel …………………… so many well-equipped conference rooms. *
40.   This is the house where I …………………… *
41.    There was a burglary at the store and …………………… all the employees were questioned by the police. *
42.   Tom hopes he’ll be given a(n) …………………… rise this year. *
43.   The right applicant should have experience …………………… with young people. *
44.   – Did you talk to Paul?     -  Yes, he wanted to know when …………………… *
45.   Factories must dispose of their waste in the manner …………………… the least harmful to the environment. *
46.   Don’t get me ……………………  I like Japanese food but this restaurant is awful. *
47.   What better dream …………………… of a world of true equality for all people? *
48.   I wish I …………………… come for dinner with you but I am pretty busy. *
49.   The gathering of all the heads of department always results in an extremely …………………… meeting. *
50.   I must keep track of my personal …………………… I spend too much! *
51.    The munitions factory …………………… win the lucrative contract but faces stiff competition. *
52.   It’s best to avoid …………………… at the weekend. Shops are too crowded. *
53.   …………………… some members of staff were in favor of the proposed relocation, many had reservations. *
54.   Clara’s parents are …………………… about her health. *
55.   Scarcely had the spokesperson made the announcement …………………… he was not speaking on their behalf. *
56.   Production was stopped because the equipment was not …………………… properly. *
57.   Many felt the governor’s explanation of his involvement in the scandal to be …………………… *
58.   Alice hates …………………… *
59.   The committee, …………………… members met yesterday, was set up to advise the government. *
60.   The …………………… for New York leaves in an hour. *
61.    …………………… progress has been made in protecting women’s right in the workplace. *
62.   –Let’s go! I’m tired of waiting for the doctor!    -No, we’ve been waiting …………………… long to leave now! *
63.   …………………… further amendments made to the design before the work commences. *
64.   If you don’t drive carefully, you …………………… the risk of causing an accident. *
65.   The evidence …………………… that the fire at our L.A. branch was a case of arson. *
66.   Be careful! That medicine can …………………… sleepy. *
67.   “Are you sure this will do for you?” “ I think I can _____________ .” *
68.   Professor Wilson .......................... to make a speech on world politics. *
69.   When a soldier receives orders, he has to obey them ____________ . *
70.   _____________ is the act of insulting or showing contempt for God. *
71.    Because Mr Jones is ____________ , he is not so likely to regard you as a threat. *
72.   She tried to ________________ me into going shopping with her, but I refused. *
73.   The new manager doesn’t ______________ of smoking in the conference room. *
74.   George is doing an additional _______________ in graphic design. *
75.   Far-_____________ actions have a very wide influence and effect a great number of things. *
76.   Thank God you have come _____________! The train leaves in three minutes. *
77.   Mr Jones said the plan had _____________ similarities with the previous one. *
78.   The _____________ period of economic growth soon ended. *
79.   All conference participants wore ______________ with their names. *
80.   It is still uncertain whether or not the place __________ . The decision must be made before May. *
81.    You won’t find a camera with so many functions. It .............................. so heavy as to be hardly usable in field work *
82.   I think that the problem Henry has raised is a major _______ for our society today. *
83.   Soldiers have been sent in to try to restore _______ in the area. *
84.   The police are _______ an investigation into the robbery. *
85.   Suzie and John are planning to get married and _______ a lot of children. *
86.   The old railway station has now been turned _______ a very smart restaurant. *
87.   Paul _______ a friendship with a girl who was staying in the same hotel as us in France last year. *
88.   Karl and Susan have agreed to come to our party, _______ has made Maria very happy. *
89.   Most children these days get inoculated _______ common childhood illnesses like measles and mumps when they are babies. *
90.   Long _______ and so continue winning all its matches! *
91.    _______ harshly he may speak to you, you can be sure that he has only your best interests at heart. *
92.   Since the law works so slowly, there is a considerable ………… of cases waiting for trial. *
93.   They don’t work the same shift any longer, but they still meet ………… in the canteen. *
94.   If his boss ………… him telling a competitor about their new products, he would still have a job. *
95.   Can you give me a rough ………… of what the job might cost me? *
96.   ………… for her support and help, he would have given up years ago. *
97.   He is well ………… of the problems involved in setting up a business. *
98.   She seems a lively, fun-loving person, but it would be a great mistake to ………… her intelligence. *
99.    She wasn’t helped. She did it …………. *
100.  They treated you very badly. Aren’t you tempted to …………. in some way? *
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