etcd Operator Requirements and Use Cases Survey
This survey will help SIG-Etcd decide on the need for a new Etcd Operator, and what features it needs to have.  If you currently use Etcd directly to support any application, we could use your feedback!   

This excludes the Etcd embedded in Kubernetes; we're looking here for feedback for people who run independent Etcd clusters in order to support applications other than kubernetes itself.

This is an official survey of SIG-Etcd of the Kubernetes Project.  The leadership of SIG-Etcd will see your detailed responses, and aggregate data will be shared with the community and the public. To remove your data from this form, please contact
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Where do you use etcd?
Please check all that describe your usage.
How are you running etcd currently?
Please check all the ways that you run etcd clusters.
How many etcd clusters do you have or plan to have?
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How do you manage or operate etcd? Do you use any tools for that?
Required Features & Capabilities
Please select the capabilties that an Etcd operator would need to have in order for you to use it.  Try to limit this to the features that you actually require.
What one or two aspects of administering and operating etcd do you find the most challenging?

How likely are you to use an official Etcd operator if one was available?

This assumes that the operator meets your requirements above.
Not at all likely
Almost certain
Clear selection

Would you be interested in contributing to an official etcd operator project?  If so, please add your email address below.

Any other comments?
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