Evaluation: Propaganda and Education in the Third Reich, November 22, 2021, 8:00-3:30 pm, Winston-Salem
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First Name *
Last Name *
Current Professional Email Address *
Logistics of the Workshop *
Strongly disagree
Strongly Agree
I received clear communication about the logistics for the workshop today.
This workshop was organized and ran smoothly.
Accessing the handouts to print for the workshop was easy for me to do.
1. What were your goals related to attending this workshop? *
2. To what degree did this workshop meet your goal(s)? *
Did not meet my goal(s) at all
Exceeded my goal(s)
3. Please explain your answer to Question #2: *
4. Which session was MOST relevant/useful for the classroom? *
Wajib diisi
5. Please explain WHY you selected the particular session as MOST useful or relevant to the classroom. *
6. Which session was LEAST relevant/useful for the classroom? *
Wajib diisi
7. Please explain WHY you selected the particular session as LEAST useful or relevant to the classroom. *
8. Workshop Overall Evaluation *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
This conference increased my content knowledge.
This conference provided resources that will be used in my classroom.
The presenters were engaging, informative, and approachable.
I would recommend this conference to other teachers.
9. If you would like to share some positive feedback OR an idea for improvement, please use the space below. Thank you! *
Using the map below, indicate the region where you currently work/teach. *
NC State Board of Education Districts
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