EA NYC Effective Animal Advocacy Subgroup Interest Form
The Effective Animal Advocacy subgroups are spaces for those already familiar with effective altruism and focused professionally, voluntarily, intentionally, or academically in support of animal welfare (including, but not limited to: ethics, earning to give, reporting, advocacy, campaigns, policy, law, etc.).

Due to the wide range of interest in NYC, we’ll have two sections for the group: one open to anyone interested in animal advocacy ("Open EAA Subgroup"), the other specifically for people already working significantly in EAA ("EAA Professionals Subgroup").

Based on interest, each EAA subgroup will likely meet either monthly or bimonthly. Initially, the groups will serve to connect other members of the effective altruism community with shared involvement together. Based on participant interest, they can remain networking meetups or become more structured over time.
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First name *
Last name *
Email *
In 1-2 sentences, what's your background in Animal Welfare/Advocacy? *
What's your background in Effective Altruism in 1-2 sentences? *
What do you hope to get out of an Effective Animal Advocacy subgroup? *
Please select which group(s) you would like to sign up for *
The Open EAA Subgroup is open to anyone interested in animal advocacy
The EAA Professionals Subgroup is for those already working significantly in Effective Animal Advocacy
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