Joining YORKU WICSE Mailing list
We are in the process of establishing a mailing list for the Women in Computer Science and Engineering community. This mailing list is intended to facilitate communication and networking among women in the field, share resources, and promote opportunities for collaboration and advancement.

Fill in this form if you are interested to join the mailing list.
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Please enter your name.
Please enter your YorkU ID
Please enter the email address that you would like to register for the WICSE mailing list. *
What is your self-identified gender? 
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What currently explains your status the best?
What is your current major?
What is your current stream?
I hereby consent to be registered in the YORKU WICSE mailing list.
Would you like to take an active role as a volunteer in the WICSE group? This could involve organizing events, maintaining the group's website, contributing to governance, and more. *
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