Playtest UK at UKGE Virtual Expo
Playtest UK will be facilitating a playtest zone at the UKGE Virtual Expo this year using Discord. We will help you to find playtesters, and will group you all in a single voice channel within the UKGE Playtest Discord. From there, you can direct your playtesters to the relevant online platform that is hosting your prototype, whether it is Tabletop Simulator, Tabletopia or other.

More information can be found at:

There will be 2 hour slots available on Saturday 22nd August and Sunday 23rd August, running from 10am-12pm, 12pm-2pm, 2pm-4pm and 4pm-6pm on each day.

The steps to participate are as follows:

1. (Now) Register your interest by answering the questions on the form below.

2. (8th August onwards) All participants who registered will be given a link to reserve a time slot of their choice.

Registration will close one week before the event.

If you have any questions, please contact Matthew Dunstan (
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Full name *
Email address *
What is the name of your game prototype? *
Player age range? *
Minimum number of players *
Maximum number of players *
Brief description of game prototype (100 words or less). *
What platform is your prototype hosted on? *
Would you be interested in volunteering with Playtest UK during the event? We are looking for people to help moderate the Discord channel and help players and designers. *
Any further comments or questions?
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