Continuing Revolution 2020 Registration - 1
This is the first step in a multi-step registration process. The next step is a form that deals with more logistical aspects of your participation like part-time or full-time attendance and payment.

***You can find the link to the next steps for registration or financial aid in the final section of this form, or in your confirmation email. Links are also on the Continuing Revolution webpage. Your registration is not final until you have completed both portions.***

If you are not able to complete the registration at this time, please email Co-Coordinators, Hannah Mayer ( and Lina Blount ( to discuss next steps.

Looking forward to seeing you June 5th through 9th!

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Email *
First Names *
Last Name *
Preferred Name, if different than first name
City, State, and Country *
Phone number *
Date of Birth *
Preferred pronouns
Ethnicity *
We recognize the limitations of a demographic survey and provide this space for you to describe your identity (racial, ethnic, gender, sexual orientation, and other identities) as desired in your own words. *
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