13th Annual Queens World Film Festival Volunteer Application
Live: April 16 - 28 at Museum of the Moving Image

We are returning with our signature thematic programming, grouping films that are exploring similar themes together to create specific cinematic experiences with a Q&A following every screening. In the months leading up to the festival we are producing more segments of The Listening Tour, holding more community screening events and preparing to welcome the world to Queens!

Check us out on social media!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/QueensWorldFilmFestival
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUGkAKfLF-bF9FnrCx3dTg
Twitter: @queensworldfilm
Instagram: @queensworldfilmfest
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Email *
Full Name *
Phone # *
How can you work? *
What is your work preference? *
Are you active on social media? *
Have you ever volunteered for a big event before? *
What are the roles and positions that you are interested in? *
Why do you want to volunteer with Queens World? *
In the event we ask you to help us volunteer, we will ask you for a resume and reference.
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