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Stories about domestic violence
Please answer the questions below to share your story about domestic violence. It could be a personal experience or about someone you know.
Please be advised that names and other identifying information will be changed to ensure safety.
By submitting this story, you are giving the DVCC permission to post it on their website, social media and other communication platforms.
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What happened during the abusive relationship?
Your answer
How old were you during this time?
Your answer
There are many misconceptions about domestic violence. What do you think is important for people to know?
Your answer
What were the barriers to you coming forward?
Your answer
What services/resources/people helped you in your healing?
Your answer
What suggestions do you have to make it safer for survivors to come forward?
Your answer
What emotions would someone have felt if they walked a mile in your shoes at the time of your abuse?
Your answer
What emotions would they feel if they walked in your shoes today?
Your answer
Thank you for sharing your story. If you are still dealing with domestic violence, or know anyone that is, please refer them to the Montgomery County Family Justice Center. All services are free. The phone number is 240-773-0444.
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