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1. In the African savannah, there are 2 animals that are the FASTEST. The gazelle can run up to 97 km/h and the cheetah can run up to 130 km/h. Choose from the 2 images below, WHICH ONE is FASTER: *
1 point
2. There are many fruits for us to enjoy but which one of the following are the BIGGEST: (Select one) *
1 point
3. How is this instrument called? *
1 point
Image sans légende
4. Tom and Mark like to play soccer and volleyball. They go to the park every week to play these sports. They play volleyball three times a week and they play soccer five times a week. What sport do they play the MOST times? *
1 point
5. The turtle is one of the most amazing animals in the world, how do you think a turtle walk? *
1 point
6. What item you cannot take to camping when you go to the forest? *
1 point
7. What is the mother doing in the image below?
1 point
Image sans légende
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8. If you need to go to the museum located in the city downtown, what type of transportation can you take to get there: *
1 point
9. Place the correct option for the following sentences:  "This bag is very heavy because it has ______ books" *
1 point
10. Maria has 50 toys. How many toys does Maria have? *
1 point
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