Tell Me I'm Beautiful - Questionnaire

Thanks for your willingness to participate in this project. Here's what we're doing, why we're doing it and how you can help.

Over the years, we’ve all seen the power of social media - how it can lead to such beautiful things in life. Connection. Affirmation. Awareness. But we’ve also seen how ugly and harmful it can be. The exponential rise in women feeling insecure is no secret. Today, our eyes take in an absolute waterfall of information...we see every other woman’s pursuit of perfection, and find ourselves faced with an entire world-sized measuring stick. We’ve seen the standards of “beauty” (as we’ve defined them up until now) steal so much from people who were born to shine.

It caused us to ask some very important questions…
Why don’t we feel beautiful?
What bar are we all trying to reach?
What is real beauty?

These questions prompted us to create a space for us all to have a big heart-to-heart, and it’s called Tell Me I’m Beautiful - a place for girls and women to redefine the world’s interpretation of beauty, one story at a time. This platform exists to rally us together to share real, raw stories about discovering who we are. We exist to spread a mission loud and clear: that no matter your size, shape, color, or beliefs, you are beautiful just as you are.

That said, we have gathered an incredible group of women thus far to begin sharing their stories (and we can't wait to share them with you soon). From celebrities to your girlfriend next door, we have intentionally included a wide range of women because we believe everyone is equal here and every story matters (regardless of how many or little followers you have)...

Now here is where your participation comes in! We'd LOVE to hear about you. That's why we created this questionnaire to better understand your own journey to feeling (or not feeling) beautiful. We know how vulnerable this process can feel and want you to know that everything shared will be kept confidential. If we end up featuring any part of your story on our website or social media, we'll reach out and ask for your written permission first <3

Once we receive your answers, we'll follow up with more ways on how you can get involved as we prepare to officially launch Tell Me I'm Beautiful this Spring.

To continue this conversation, head on over to @tellmeimbeautifulproject
Thank you!!

Chyna & Caitlyn  

P.S. Here's a sneak peek of our website :) 

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**NOTE: Feel free to answer all the questions below OR choose the top 5 that most resonate with you!"
First and Last Name
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Where are you from originally?
Where are you currently located?
Did you grow up in The United States?
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Please describe your race/ethnicity:
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