Summer 2024 C-K Law Group Application for JD Students.  Due Thursday, April 11 at noon
Please visit our webpage for more specific information about each clinic:

Applicants will be notified a 3-4 days before registration begins.   Students who are not returning or in a certificate program where clinic is a requirement will be chosen via lottery.

Note: JD Students who are 2L or 3L can take a clinic for 3 or 4 credits in the summer semester, which requires an average of 18 or 23 hours per week, respectively.  If you are an evening student, work during daytime hours or if your availability during Monday through Friday daytime hours are limited, please email Tracy Kish ( for more information before you apply. Please note that you cannot take an in-house clinic and an externship in the same semester unless you have permission from Professor Jon Decatorsmith to do so.

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Email *
First and Last Name *
Student I.D. No. *
Email Address *
Choose Your Status in the Summer 2024 Semester *
Is this your first clinic with the C-K Law Group? *
If you have previously taken C-K Law Group or are currently taking C-K Law Group, how many semesters did you take it for?
If you have previously taken C-K Law Group or are currently taking C-K Law Group, what was the name(s) of supervising attorney(s)?
If you have applied for, or have already been accepted into, the LADR, Criminal Litigation, Business Certificate Program, Employment Law, Workplace LADR  or PRAXIS Certificate Programs, please specify the program
Below, you may choose up to 2 clinics as your first and second choices. Continuing students: Priority will be given to continuing C-K Law Group students only if they wish to continue with the same clinical professor/practice group, if the professor approves their return and if they mark that practice group as their first choice. See the C-K Law Group student handbook page 7 for further details. New students:  If you are in one of the above certificate programs, we will make every effort to give you preference for a spot in your first choice clinic. All other new students will be placed in the lottery for the practice group you marked as your first choice. If you are not given a place in the practice group of your first choice, your name will be placed on the waiting list in lottery order for your first choice. Your name will also be included in a lottery and on a waiting list for your second choice.
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