Research Collaboration with Prof. Jiaqi Ma's Group
Thank you for your interest in working with our group! We are excited to hear from you. 

Please take a few minutes to complete the following questions about your experiences. This form will help us understand your research interests and background, which will enable us to match you with potential projects within our group. We will contact you if we find a good match.

Note: only the PI and PhD students in our group will have access to the information you shared in this form, and it will be used for project match purposes only.
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Your Name *
Your Email *
Current Affiliation *
Highest Degree (including the one in progress) *
Your CV or Resume

Please upload your CV/Resume to an online storage service (e.g., Google Drive or Dropbox) and provide the download link here.
Link to Your Website (Optional)
Your Undergrad Transcript

Please upload your latest (unofficial) undergrad transcript to an online storage service (e.g., Google Drive or Dropbox) and provide the download link here.
Other Transcripts (Optional)

Please upload your other (unofficial) transcripts to an online storage service (e.g., Google Drive or Dropbox) and provide the download link here.
Your Coding Experience 

Please provide a rough estimate. You should be very comfortable selecting 500 - 5000 lines of code if you soloed a final course project with that language. Also, you don't have to be a proficient programmer to start a research project.
< 100 Lines of Code
100 - 500 Lines of Code
500 - 5000 Lines of Code
> 5000 Lines of Code
Your Past Research Experience

Please provide a short description of your past research experience. 

If you don't have extensive past experience, you could instead describe your research interests. 
How do you want to collaborate with us?
Earliest Start Date *
Anticipated End Date *
Anything else you want to mention? (Optional)
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