Report CE-5 Contact
Use this form to report contact during a CE-5 event.

You will be asked about:
  • Date and time of event
  • Type of contact
  • The story of contact
  • Any links or photos you'd like to share
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When did you make contact?
Location *
Please enter the location of the contact event.  You may enter in the address like 
  • A street address like "123 Sesame St., New York, NY USA",
  • A city in the US like  "Los Angeles, CA"
  • A city outside of the US like "Calgary, Canada"
  • OR simply a state, province, or country name like "California" or "Mexico".
Name of CE-5 Group
Please enter the name of the CE-5 group, if any, you had the CE-5 contact experience with.
Type of Contact
Select as many options as applies to your experience of contact.
What technique did you use?
Select as many as applies to your experience of contact
How many people where you with?
Enter a number for how many people.  Estimate if you don't know.  Enter 1 if you were alone
Describe your experience
What happened?  Please tell the story of your contact experience here as if you were writing a journey entry or describing the event to a friend.
Link to Report
If you have written or posted about this contact event elsewhere and would like to share a link, please enter it here.
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