Emergency Recorder testing team
Sign up to help test the Police Rewired Emergency Recorder project. Thanks!
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Can you help test the Emergency Recorder? *
You'll need at least 1 Android phone. The time commitment shouldn't be more than 1 hour, spread across a couple of days. We may need to contact you by phone or email to coordinate. You'll need to temporarily install a testing version of the app. We'll be able to walk you through that. The app will not interfere with normal operation of your phone.
What's your name? *
What phone number can we contact you on? *
Please tell us about your Android phone(s)... *
To test the Emergency Recorder, you'll need at least 1 Android phone. It's helpful to know the make, model, and Android version of each phone. To find the Android version, look in the Settings app. At the bottom, there's a section called "About phone", and it should have the Android version listed inside.
You can find out more about Police Rewired at: https://policerewired.org
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