2024 CCHS Volleyball Summer Questionnaire
Thank you for your interest in joining us for summer activities. WE look forward to seeing all of you. Please take a moment to complete this quick survey if you are planning to try out in the fall.


Current 8th graders/Incoming Freshman:
Camp June 11 - 13 AND June 18 - 20 1pm - 3:30pm
Practices: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's starting Jun 23rd from 11 - 1:30

Returning players should have received emails from me with camp and training information once the form is submitted. 

Monday Aug 5 - Thursday August 8

REMINDER: This is 1 of 2 forms that need to be completed to participate in volleyball summer sessions. You can find the ATHLETIC PACKET on the CCHS Athletics page: https://www.cchsca.org/athletics/overview

Contact Coach Michelle with any questions at 209-679-2459 or volleyball@cchsca.org
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Email *
Players First Name *
Player Last Name *
Player Phone Number *
Players Grade Level for Fall 2023
Players Position *
Shirt Size (adult sizes)
Do you know of any days you will miss this summer? List them here!
Are you attending summer school? *
Are you able to attend the team camp from June 19 - June 22?
Contact Parent First Name *
Contact Parent Last Name *
Contact Parent Phone Number *
Contact Parent Email Address *
OPTIONAL - 2nd Parent Name
OPTIONAL - 2nd Parent Phone Number
OPTIONAL - 2nd Parent Email Address
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