Young Carers Survey - Who Cares Campaign.
The Who Cares Campaign is doing a survey on how to improve services for young carers. This survey is for young carers. The answers you give will help us shape suggested policies to present to decision makers. We'd LOVE to hear from you. Would you like to get involved?

All you need to do is fill out this form by midnight on Monday 21st June. By entering you will automatically be entered into a raffle to win £50 worth of amazon vouchers. The winner will be notified by Thursday the 1st of July.

PLEASE BE AS DETAILED AS YOU CAN when filling out this form. The more we hear from you, the better we can understand what needs to change. Please ask your guardian if they are happy for you to complete this survey.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to visit or email 

Thank you so much for helping us stand up for the rights of young carers :)

This research is being conducted by Matt Woodhead (Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham). Any data you share in this survey will be stored securely. All contributors will remain anonymous. Our findings will be published at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your Name *
Age *
Guardian Name *
Guardian email address (this is so we can contact the winner of the Amazon Voucher) *
1A. Are you known to your local young carers service? *
1B. If you ticked 'Yes', what is the name of the service you are supported by?
2. What could your SCHOOL do to better support young carers? *
3. What could your LOCAL YOUNG CARERS SERVICE do to better support young carers? *
4. What things could your GP, PHARMACIST or LOCAL HOSPITAL do to better support young carers? *
5. If you were prime minister for a day, what would you do to improve things for young carers? *
6. Does your school have a designated member of staff who supports young carers? *
7. Does your local GP surgery recognise you as a young carer? *
8. Have you ever experienced difficulties picking up prescriptions for the person you care for? *
9. Do you feel like you have a voice in decisions that affect you? *
10. As a young carer, do you feel recognised and supported by society? *
Are you happy for us to use this information to help shape policies for young carers? You will remain anonymous. *
Would you like to be kept up to date on the consultation? *
Thank you :)
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