...Ready for it? (Mizzou's version) Registration Form
Ready for Death by a Thousand Shots?

Mizzou Club Quadball and Boom Train are hosting a tournament open to women and all gender minority players, college and club. Individuals will sign up and be drafted by team captains.

It will be located in the Chicago/Dyer area on March 9th, 2024 and run from 9am - 1:30pm.
Field location: 618 Northgate Dr Dyer, IN 46311

The sign up fee is $20.

Team shirts will be provided and all games will be filmed.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Pronouns *
Phone Number *
Email *
Shirt Size *
I understand that my registration is not complete until I Venmo @hgrothaus $20 with (Mizzou's version) in the description. *
Do you need housing on Friday night?
Primary Position(s) *
Secondary Position(s)
Quadball experience? (years, teams played for, play style)
Questions? Comments?
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