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No promises I'll attack first, but I always revenge. I'm team werewolf.
I'll try and draw anything, but keep in mind my style is Not pretty or cute! I am best at drawing humanoids--men or very janky women--and my favorite thing to draw is a guy who is ugly and handsome at the same time. Either this makes sense to you or you probably won't like my art!!
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blorbo example
Your artfight URL. And other OC-storing places if AF is down.
What team are you?
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Things that will make me more likely to attack you. check all that you have available
How old are you?
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How likely are you to attack first?
Never. I only strike in self defense
I'm attacking you right now
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What's the chance I'd get a revenge? Be honest.
No chance
I would return from the dead just to draw your blorbo
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Do you read character profiles?
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Which of my OCs are you lining up in your sniper scope?
Which of your OCs do you think would look best in my style? Give me ONE (1).
recommend me something. can be a song or a food or a book or an activity or whatever. anything.
Tell me something about yourself. or a just a joke if you'd rather. or both 🤯
That's all!
happy fighting 💪
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