Model Programs & Practices Proposal - ISEEN Winter Institute 2024
Model Programs & Practices is a great opportunity for you to showcase the work you or your school/organization is doing. These are 15-minute sessions in 4 rounds where you'll provide a short presentation about a specific innovative experiential program or practice. Typically all presenters are given the option to take a round off to visit another session.

We have limited space for this session, so priority will go to selecting innovative and replicable programs and practices.  Institute organizers will work with presenters to make sure participants have actionable takeaways from each session.   The deadline for submission is November 18th. Submissions will be reviewed as they are submitted, so we encourage you to submit in a timely manner.  Please let us know if you have any questions at

We look forward to learning about your work!
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Proposal Description (max 2000 characters) *
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