Tennis College Sport North Harbour Term 4 Competition (Year 8,9 & 10) Registration 2023
13th September 2023

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Registrations are now open for the College Sport North Harbour Term 4 Tennis Competition. This is open to students in year 8, 9 and 10 who are competent tennis players. 

Details are as follows:

Games will be played on a Monday after school starting on Monday the 30th of October and played each week until Monday the 27th November 2023. There will be 5 weeks of games.

The games start at 4pm each week and students will need to be available upto 6pm each week but please note that games can finish earlier.

Various schools on the North Shore including Albany Junior High School. Game details will be advised closer to the 30th of October.

This is a team competition, with each team requiring 4 players. There are separate competitions for boys teams and girls teams.
The competition is for College students but as we affiliate our year 8 students with College Sport, we encourage them to play.
Students must be able to play tennis (Serve form the baseline, rally and know how to score) 

AJHS PE shirt and shorts. Players need their own tennis racket and sports shoes.

Teams will have one training session per week. Details of this will be advised once team details are confirmed.

Depending on numbers we may need to hold trials. These will be held in week 1 of term 4. Details will be advised to those that have registered.

It is the responsibility of parent/caregivers to either transport their child to the games and trainings each week or to arrange for another parent/caregiver to transport them. The school does not provide transport for this competition.

$30.00 per player. (This cost covers the entry fee and tennis balls for the 5 week competition)

Registrations close 9am Friday the 6th of October 2023


For this length of time and at this level of competition each school team requires a manager.
The Managers are required to organise the team, ensuring all players and parents/caregivers are aware of game times and trainings. The Manager is required to attend the games each week and oversee the team at the game.
All team communication for tennis will be via the TeamReach app. The code and details of how to join will be emailed out once teams are confirmed.

Without parent volunteers it is impossible for teams to participate in the competition so if you are available to assist please tick the appropriate box on the form.

To ensure your child is registered for the College Sport North Harbour Term 4 Tennis Competition, please complete the following form and submit by 9am Friday the 6th of October 2023. 
Please also ensure that payment of $30.00 is also made by 9am Friday the 6th of October 2023.

Payment can be made through the school portal or by internet banking.  

Our school bank account for payment is:  
123107 0017930 00 Please use TH4 and your child's name as reference for payment.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this competition.

Ngā mihi nui

Jo Monkton
Sports Coordinator

Phone: 09 415 5473 extn: 605
Mobile: 021 554 035

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