The Walking Dwarves - Crew Application
Please fill out this form if you are interested in working on the technical crew for our summer Junior Players production: "The Walking Dwarves".  There is a separate form for people who want to audition to be an actor in the show.  People who want to audition can also apply for crew positions if they want to.  Please contact Mrs. Holsen in person or at  if you have any questions.
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Correo *
First Name *
Last Name *
Grade *
Student Email
Parent Email *
Other Email
Parent Phone *
Student Phone
Other Phone
What other activities are you involved in?
What Production Crew positions are you most interested in? *
Production crew are the people who work during crew calls on sets, costumes, props, etc.
What Running Crew positions are you most interested in? *
Running crew are the people who work during the performances.
Please summarize any previous technical experience you have had.
Please summarize an previous visual arts experiences you have had (ex. sewing, painting, sculpture, woodworking, etc.)
Please summarize any previous performing arts experiences you have had (ex. band, choir, dance, theatre, etc.).
I understand that participating in a play is a serious time comittment, and I will dedicate myself to making this production excellent. *
I understand that if I am on RUNNING CREW I will need to be present at all rehearsals and performances the last two weeks of production. *
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