Migration Plan info
Please take a moment to complete the form. This will help us better understand your specific process and offer you a service tailored to your needs.
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Email *
Full Name *
Whatsapp Number (include country code) *
Date of Birth *
Please provide the names and ages of family members you plan to migrate to New Zealand with: *
Are you currently in New Zealand? *
Do you currently hold a New Zealand Visa? If yes, what type of visa and when does it expire? *
What is your occupation(s)? *
Do you have a job offer or current employment in New Zealand?  *
What is the highest degree or qualification that you have completed?
Are you interested in studying in New Zealand as a pathway to residency? *
Do you or any of your family members have any health issues? (this includes learning disabilities for school aged children) Please describe: *
Do you or any of your family members have any criminal issues (current investigations, charges or convictions)? Please describe:
Do you or any of your family members have any negative Immigration History issues in NZ or anywhere else in the world (declined visas, deportation, refused entry etc.) Please describe:
Please tell us a bit more about your plan or any further questions or comments
How did you hear about us?
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