John Handley High School PTSO
Thank you for your interest in supporting the students, faculty, and staff of Handley High School.  We are looking forward to a great year and can use your help.  

Whether you're able to spare an hour, a dollar, or more of either... we're grateful to have you as part of our team!  

Please fill out the below and stay tuned for emails with more information.  You can also reach us at  Thank you!
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Your Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Phone Number
What grade(s) are your Handley students in this year?
Are you available to volunteer some time to Handley this year?  Check as many boxes as you can.

(Note:  Selecting an option here doesn't commit you to anything - we'll send you more information about how you can help!)
Do you have access to resources that could be helpful to our school community, like discounts through your work or items that could be donated?  Please tell us more!
What other skills are you willing to share with Handley?
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