·˚☁︎ bot reqs : lucifer.morningstar ϟ ˚·
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i tend to write for fandoms i know/am familiar with, but i'll try for others. ! 🪽
𝄢 if you'd like a priority bot, please do DM me on discord ; .fervidflame ! 🪽    
𝄢 i may do these during free time, or when i am not at school. may take awhile ! 🪽  
𝄢 i will not write for anything ILLEGAL like noncon, SA, torture, etc. ! 🪽  
𝄢 i have a right to deny your request ! 🪽  
𝄢 i WILL write for fluff, angst, smut, etc ! 🪽  
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✚ ꒱ Q1 ﹒state your (user)name (or put anon if uncomfy!)
✚ ꒱ Q2 ﹒what character would you like? (state source too)
✚ ꒱ Q3 ﹒what tone? (fluff, smut, angst, etc)
✚ ꒱ Q4 ﹒limited or limitless?
✚ ꒱ Q5 ﹒what pov would you like?
✚ ꒱ Q6 ﹒finally, what scenario?
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