Sound Off - Dec 18th Potluck: Performance Interest Form
Thank you so much for your generosity in offering to donate a performance to Sound Off: Music for Bail's first-ever Potluck Fundraiser! We so appreciate you taking the time to share some joy with friends and to support our mission of liberation. Performances of all genres are accepted, emphasizing our themes of abolition and joy in being together. Owing to time constraints, we may not necessarily be able to utilize all performance donations, but we so appreciate all submissions and will keep your name on file for future opportunities!

We anticipate having a sound check from 4-4:30 PM for all performers, with the potluck running approximately from 5-6:30 PM.

Tech Notes: 

We currently do not have supports for amplification beyond a Bluetooth speaker (no mic, etc). There is a grand piano in the space. Feel free to bring further tech supports you may need and can operate by yourself, ideally with no more than a 2-3 minute setup + teardown period (keeping in mind we have 30 minutes to sound check all performers). 
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Correo *
What is your name and pronouns? *
What is the name of your act? If your act doesn't have a name, please give us a <10-word description for our MC to introduce you with! *
Please describe the artistic content of your proposed act.
How many minutes will your act take, including setup + teardown?
What, if any, tech supports will you need? (Answer "none" if you don't need any.) *
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