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Release Note Feedback: Your Voice Matters
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How much do you think these new features will improve your workflow or productivity?
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Which features/ enhancements are exciting in this release note? (Choose one or more options)
Support Multiple Packboxes in a shipment for B2C Orders
Introduced Order Custom Attributes
New OMS API Support
Support to capturing and mapping External Item Codes while packing in SFS
Support to capture External Serial Codes while packing in WMS and SFS (enabling Myntra Tag loop support)
Introduced reporting scheduler in Omni Reporting
Added video conversion functionality from .webm to .mp4 while capturing Return videos
How useful were the features in the last release?
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Which features/ enhancements were useful in last release? (Choose one or more options)
Advance Ship Notice Creation in Increff Omni
Video Capturing for Marketplaces SPF Claims in Return Order Processing
Auto Next Aisle Allocation in B2B Picking Workflow
Support for amending Purchase Orders (PO) in the WMS system
Enabled B2B2C operations support in Increff Omni
Added Favourites / Pinned Section in Omni
Support to Modify the Picklist Allocation Time in WMS
Are the release notes easy to read and understand?
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How likely would you recommend Increff products from 1 to 10?
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Do you have any other feedback on the release notes or the product in general? If yes, please specify.
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