Deptford Society membership
Membership of the Deptford Society is free, and is open to anyone who lives, works, studies or owns a business in the Deptford area, and anyone else who supports the aims and objectives of the society. Members are eligible to stand for election at the AGM, and will get the chance to vote at meetings.

To become a member of the Deptford Society, please confirm your agreement by completing the form below and submitting it. Members agree to support the society's aims and objectives.

We have a Google discussion group via which items for feedback (planning and licensing applications and enforcement matters, funding opportunities, ideas for events etc) are circulated, and we encourage you to join it. You can receive updates as they are posted, or as a weekly or daily digest, depending on your preference. If you don't already have a Google account you will need to create one.

The Deptford Society's aims are:

to protect and enhance the character and appearance of the Deptford High Street & St Paul's and the Deptford Creekside Conservation Areas as described in the conservation area appraisals of November 2019 and May 2012 respectively.  
to be the recognised amenity group for planning applications within these two conservation areas, and to review and respond to planning applications to ensure they are consistent and in keeping with the Conservation Area appraisals and conservation law.
to consult with Lewisham Council on all relevant matters within the geographical boundaries of the  conservation areas
to raise awareness of the area’s history and special character through events, online information and printed material.
to cooperate with other amenity and community societies in the borough on planning and related issues.

Your details will be stored securely by the Deptford Society and only used for the purpose of communicating with you about Deptford Society matters. We do not share these details with anyone else. We will only use your postcode to enable us to understand where our members live or work.  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First name *
Surname *
Please select all of the following that apply to you. *
Home or business full postcode (to enable us to demonstrate who we represent) *
Please send me an invite to the Google discussion group. *
Application for membership *
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