Good Change Eco Cloths Fundraiser For Schools 2022 - Order Form

We are really excited to be launching another Good Change Eco Fundraiser WITH A TWIST!

This year we are offering 4 different Good Change products to sell individually OR the BUNDLE deal!

 All of the Good Change products are fully sustainable and wonderful alternatives for the home.

The best way to take orders is to share this flyer on facebook to all of your friends and family, take their orders then collect the money from them. 

At the end of the fundraiser, parents will deposit the total amount collected into the Good Change Fundraiser Account (see below and this will also be on the order form which you will keep for your reference of your orders). 

This way no cash will be dealt with through the school office. Then you need to complete your order by filling in this Google Form with your total amount of cloths to be ordered.

1st place for selling the most - $30 Book Voucher

2nd place for selling the most - $20 Book Voucher

3rd place for selling the most - $10 Book Voucher

Class who sells the most icecreams all round!

Any questions, please feel free to contact Kristy Hunter 021388465 or Stine Smith 0275093077
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Parent Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Eldest child at schools name (as the cloths will be given to this child to bring home) *
Eldest childs room number. *

Eco-Cloths - Medium 3 Pack - $9.00 

Please enter in how many packs you would like below:

Eco-Scrubs - 2-Pack  - $7.00  

Please enter in how many packs you would like below:

Wooden Dish Brush - Single - $9.00

Please enter in how many brushes you would like below:
Bamboo Towel - 1 Roll - $10.00

Please enter in how many rolls you would like below:
$30 Bundle Deal - Includes one of each product listed above.

Please enter in how many packs you would like below:
Total amount deposited into Good Change bank account 06-0491-0256894-01  (please put eldest childs name and room number in reference field) e.g.TOTAL AMOUNT DEPOSITED = $90 Ref: Tom Jones Rm 4 *
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