Dementia Interpreter Feedback Form
Please complete this form so that we can use as an external assessment and ensure the quality of the training.
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Email *
First name *
Surname *
Your company name. *
Mobile Telephone Number *
The purpose for requiring a contact number is so that we can contact in case of any issues with your Dementia Interpreter profile.
Please choose the trainers name below. *
What date was your course? *
What did you most enjoy about the course? *
Did the course help you to start to understand the 'Language of Dementia? *
If other, please write your answer below
What benefits do you feel you have learnt that will help people who have dementia?
Did your facilitator tell you about the other levels to achieve as a Dementia Interpreter? *
Which level are you going to strive to achieve? *
Will you recommend this course to others? *
Please provide other information or suggestions that would help us to improve the course.
Do you consent to us adding you to the Dementia Interpreters register and have an e mailed log-in? *
Do you give consent to the information you have provided being used within our social media? *
Thank you for taking the Dementia Interpreters Course, please use the below for any further comments.
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