Peaks for PEAK Participation (March 2025)
#PeaksforPEAK: you get outside, we give back, together we help level the playing field.

The Mountain Air is raising funds for the Promoting Extracurricular Activities for Kids (PEAK) program in San Luis Obispo.

From March 1st to March 31st, The Mountain Air will donate $20 when you hike, roll, or stroll to or toward a peak.

One submission per household; all trails/walking paths are eligible.

The Thorshov Family and The Sandlot Group of San Luis Obispo are matching donors. With their generous support, every hike is worth TRIPLE!

For more information about PEAK, visit
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Who participated? *
What and where was the activity? *
When did it happen? *
Must be sometime during March 2025.
Do you have a child/children who attend(s) a San Luis Obispo school, and, if yes, which schools?
THANK YOU for helping to ensure that local kids can play sports, learn music, do gymnastics, and more!
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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