This is your final examination for Pol 66 Constitutional Law online. Please answer the following questions as completely as possible and be sure to refer to your readings directly. You may conisder this an "open-book" exam meaning you can use your book as you answer.
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What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
Please explain in your own words how the "law" relates to your identity using at least one of the readings from the course book. *
Please explain how individuals or groups have used the law to mobilize against injustice using at least one of the readings from the course book. *
Please explain why Justice Sotomayor thinks that minorities have to work harder to advocate against injustice? *
Finally, try to use an example from your own life and relate it to one of the course readings or videos: why is democracy not a spectator sport? *
Thank you. Your final grade will be available on CUNY FIRST by the end of the finals schedule and no later than June 14th. What is one thing you would like Kingsborough to improve regarding online learning. *
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