r/AdoptMeTradingRoblox Moderator Applications!
Thank you for being interested in supporting our community! Please fill out the form below to the best of your capability. If you have any questions about the form, please submit the questions under the moderator applications post on Reddit, or simply ModMail us!

DISCLAIMER: This is ONLY volunteer work, you will NOT receive payment; please keep this in mind when applying.
What is your Reddit username? *
What are your Reddit alternate accounts?

If you don't have any, please answer with 'N/A'.
What is your Discord username? 

This will be the main form of contacting you!
What is your Roblox username? *
What are your Roblox alternate accounts?

If you don't have any, please answer with 'N/A'.
How old are you?

 DISCLAIMER: This will not be shared with ANYONE else, as this is personal information. 
What should we call you by?

For this question, think of any aliases you may go by.
What are your pronouns?

Select all that apply -- If you use other pronouns, please check the 'Other' box!
What is your time zone? *
How long have you been interacting with r/AdoptMeTradingRoblox for? *
How long are you expecting to moderate for r/AdoptMeTradingRoblox? *
How many days of the week are you available to check Reddit? *
How many hours per day are you available to contact on Reddit? *
What times are you usually online?

Please convert to EST time!
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