CRCP's 2024-2025 Online Registration Form
Welcome and thank you for your interest in registering your child(ren) in Canyon Ridge Christian Prep (CRCP) as we begin a new year supporting each other with Christian fellowship, support, information and encouragement for parents whom educate their children at home. We seek to enhance opportunities for harmonious development of our children's mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being. We also desire to impress the minds and hearts of our children with the knowledge and love of God while fostering a relationship with Jesus Christ our Redeemer and Lord in preparation for service to the world. At CRCP, we welcome all family learning schedules; whether you only want to participate in field trips, Thursday activities, seminars, events and/or the complete package of letting us keep your grades and attendance... we are here for you! 

If you find that a section of this form does not apply to you or your family, feel free to continue to the next section. At the end, please click the submit button otherwise your registration form will not be received.
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Email *
Father's Name (First Last)
Mother's Name (First Last)
Home Address: *
Mailing Address (if different, please include in Other): *
Telephone (Home): *
Father's Cell Number:
Mother's Cell Number:
Father's Email:
Mother's Email:
Father's Shirt Size (Optional: Field Trip Ready $10 fee)
Mother's Shirt Size (Optional: Field Trip Ready $10 fee)
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