telekineticManiac's Ongoing Suggestion and Feedback Form
Hey hey! YouTube comments are currently the thing I pay the most attention to when deciding what video I want to create next (so if you are okay with commenting, please do), however I'm well aware that some folks prefer anonymity when writing suggestions and feedback and stuff like that, so introducing... this form!! If you wish to remain anonymous, totally put some suggestions here! This form will remain up for as long as no bots find it and spam it or some losers abuse this opportunity in one way or another, so feel free to fill out and submit responses on this form as many time as you would like! And please note that all questions on this form are optional, so if you have and idea but don't know how best to word it, just fill in sections that seem to resonate with you! (If that's all questions, great — if that's one question, great — just do what works for you!)
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Do you have a specific video concept that you would like to see from me next, and if so what is it?
Do you have any questions you'd like me to do my best to answer for you, and if so what are they?
What types of videos do you like watching on my channel?
What format of content do you enjoy consuming on YouTube?
What type of cosplay builds do you enjoy seeing?
What type of media do you enjoy seeing cosplays from?
What types of videos do you enjoy watching elsewhere and that you think you would maybe like me to try my hand at making on my channel?
Is there anyone that you want to see me collaborate with, and if so what's their name/handle?
Do you have a favorite video of mine, and if so what is it?
Do you have a favorite cosplay of mine (or cosplay build that you liked following), and if so what is it?
If you could change something about my channel, what would that be?
If you have any other feedback that you would like to share, please use this space to do so!
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