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Smiths Falls Got Talent Youth Show Registration
Registration for Old Home Week Youth Talent show form
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* Indicates required question
What is/are the age(s) of the performer(s)
Your answer
Name of performer(s)
Your answer
What talent do you want to showcase?
Musical instrument(s)
Other: please state what that is below
If you indicated "other" for your talent please describe what it is.
Your answer
How long would you need to perform your talent? Is there any set up needs we should know about?
Your answer
If you indicated your talent is musical instrument, what instrument or instruments will you be playing?
Your answer
What is the group name if this is a group?
Your answer
What is your home address, phone number and email address?
Your answer
What school do you attend, if applicable?
Your answer
If you are not a Smiths Falls resident, and are not attending a school in Smiths Falls are you a member of a SF group, eg. Skating club.
Your answer
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your talent eg. an award, or some other fun fact?
Your answer
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