2024 Lady Dons Softball Sign Up 1st-6th Grades
Softball season will be approaching soon!  This is for girls currently in 1st-6th grade.  League games will be played on Monday and Wednesday nights in May and June.  Please complete the form below if you would like your daughter to play softball this summer.  Look for more information regarding parent and coaches' meetings in the future.  If you have further questions, please reach out to Kindra Christensen 319.404.3431.
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Daughter's Name (First & Last) *
Grade (current grade for the 2023-2024 school year) *
Parent's Names (First & Last) *
Parent Phone Numbers (to receive future information) *
Parent Emails (to receive future information) *
Help goes a long way!  As parents, what are you willing to help with this softball season? (select all that apply) *
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