2021 - 22  WIS Band Booster Club Membership & Volunteer Form
(One form per family)


The WIS Band Booster Club is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and our purpose is to support the Westbrook Intermediate Band Program. We kick off each new school year with an annual MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. Our goal this year is 100% MEMBERSHIP of parents of all children enrolled in the Westbrook Intermediate Band program. Membership dues are annual, and your family need only join once a year regardless of the number of children currently enrolled in the WIS band.

Our Band Booster Club gives you an opportunity to get involved with your children and to show them that you care about their musical interests. Club members are given opportunities to serve as chaperones for the trips, events, and contests throughout the year. We normally assist the band directors in planning and running various social activities such as Main Event, the lock-in, and pool party.

One of the most important contributions to our children’s band experience is financial. Your annual dues and fundraisers help provide money to purchase Westbrook band equipment and provide for band activities not covered financially by the school district. Your financial support is even more important to help us continue purchasing instruments, paying for clinicians and contest entry fees, and supporting the private lesson financial aid fund.
To join the Booster Club, please fill out this form.  

***Please do NOT combine this check with any other checks for band.***

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Email *
Child(ren)'s Name *
Child(ren)'s Grade(s) *
Parent/Guardian's Name(s) *
Enroll me in the membership level below : *
(A receipt is sent to the email address on file for any single contribution over $250)
Volunteer Information:  I am willing and able to help with activities that occur during the school day:   *
Requirements: Over 18 years of age and complete the Volunteer Online Application through the CCISD website (must be done yearly).
Volunteer Information:  Please check any areas with which you may be able to offer assistance:
Parent/Guardian Email Address *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone *
How do you wish to pay? *
 ***Do NOT combine this check with other checks for band.  Make payable to WIS BBC***  Online Payments can be made here:  https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YLDGHETNPNHRJ&source=url
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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