Composting in Your Neighborhood
Workshop title: Composting in Your Neighborhood
Facilitator: Bo Meisl and friends, Soil Cycle BTV
Date: Tuesday, June 25
Time: 5:00 to 6:30pm
Location: Starr Farm Community Garden - confirmation of exact location provided to registered workshop participants

Workshop description: This workshop is for gardeners, alchemists and compost curious neighbors alike!  Soil Cycle BTV will be demonstrating an in-vessel composting system at Starr Farm community garden, featuring a vertical drum design ideal for backyard composting throughout all four seasons. We will discuss recipe, safe operation, and temperature logging. After the demo, participants will be invited to auger compost, tap into the soil cycle network, and explore soil life through a microscope. Food scraps welcome and masks encouraged!

Welcome to registration for the upcoming workshop in the Garden Like a Farmer Workshop Series

All workshops are FREE and open to everyone, made possible by the Conservation Legacy FundPre-registration is essential in order to receive confirmation of the workshop location. 

Please fill in the information below to confirm your attendance. We will send a confirmation email no later than 3 days before the workshop. If you are unable to participate, please contact us so that we can offer your spot to someone on the waitlist.

The 2024 edition of the Garden Like a Farmer Workshop Series offers techniques, tips and tools for small-scale gardeners to mitigate and adapt to climate change through nature-based solutions. Upcoming offerings are posted on Vermont Garden Network's "Workshop" page and announced on Instagram (@vtgardens, @intervalecenter, @btvparks). 
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If you have any suggestions for additional workshop topics centered around mitigating and adapting to climate change through nature-based solutions for gardeners, we'd love to hear your thoughts!
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