Unruly Strands : Exploring True Expression

Welcome to the Hair Explorations Survey!

Thank you for joining us! At Period Creative Arts (PCA), we're exploring the diverse stories behind hair for our new series, “Hidden Dimensions.” We want to hear about your personal hair experiences, preferences, and the cultural significance it holds for you.

What to Expect:

  • Confidentiality: Your answers will be kept private and used only for this project.
  • Exciting Perks: Participants have a chance to be featured in our documentary and enter a draw for exclusive Gifts.

By completing this survey, you'll help us understand global trends while having a chance to win exclusive rewards! Let’s dive in!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Basic Information
The Basics Of Your Mane Personality
Kick Things Off With A Little Background On You And The Connection You Share With Your Hair.  Don't worry, we still don't know who you are
What Is Your Age Group? *
What Is Your Gender Identity? *
Where In The World Are You Right Now? *
What is your ethnicity or cultural background? *
  What Is Your Zodiac Sign?   *
What Is Your Natural Hair Type? *
  Do You Dye Your Hair Regularly?   *
How Would You Describe Your Hair Length Right Now?   *
Do You Use Protective Hairstyles (E.G., Braids, Twists, Wigs)?   *
What Do You Sleep With On Your Head *
Is your hairstylist the same race as you?  *
Do You Have Piercings Or Tattoos?  (excludes standard Earrings) *
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