Palo Alto Middle School Mariachi Competition
Mariachi Directors, thank you for registering for our first annual mariachi competition, on November 15th, at Palo Alto College. We are very excited to bring this competition & clinic to San Antonio and we hope you and your students will benefit greatly from the experience. Below is our registration form. But before you register, here are a few items to consider.

1) We do not accept Popurris only standalone songs.
2) You must have standard Mariachi instrumentation: violins, trumpets, & armonia.
3) One of your selections must be a Son Jalisiense.

Stage Time:
2.5 minutes to get on, set up, check mics
5 to7 minutes to performance
20-minute clinic on stage
30seconds to exit

Cost is $300

After you register, more information will be emailed to you. Thank you and see you soon, 
Palo Alto Mariachi Competition 
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School Name *
Mariachi Name *
Director (s)  *
Director (s) email(s) *
School Class *
Varsity or Junior Varsity (JV) *
Selections  *
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