Montlake Gear Order
Thank you for your interest in ordering Montlake Gear. We're excited to help you show your support of our awesome historical neighborhood.

We currently have limited inventory. Please indicate what you would like to order below and we will reach out to you to confirm the order, obtain payment, and arrange delivery. 

Don't see something you'd like to buy or have an idea on gear for future orders? Please let us know the types of items you'd like to see and size preference. 

Prices of gear on future orders are subject to change.
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What is your first and last name? *
What is your email address? (We will contact you to confirm orders, obtain payment and arrange delivery) *
Adult Items: Check all that you wish to purchase. Each item is $20.  Indicate if you want multiples in "other".
Kids Items: Check all that you wish to purchase. Each item is $10. Indicate if you want multiples in "other".
Don't see what you'd like? Let us know what kind of gear you'd like to see and be interested in purchasing. We're open to all ideas as we consider various vendors for future sales.
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