QCARES Research Assistant

Are you interested in being a research assistant with the QCARES research team? Complete the short application below!

Read more about QCARES research team and some of our past work here: https://www.queercares.com/

Our current project: Servingness at the intersections: Exploring belonging, resilience, and resistance for queer and transgender Latine/x students

Here's a bit more about the project:

Research about Latinx students’ experiences with belonging and servingness at HSI’s has increased, however little is known about the specific needs and experiences of LGBTQ+ Latinx students. Latinx LGBTQ+ students’ sense of belonging and connectedness to community is often affected by the racism experienced in predominantly White queer and trans spaces, while also simultaneously navigating cultural gendered norms, heterosexism, and cissexism in predominantly Latinx spaces. Students living at these intersections are likely to have varied experiences navigating life on-campus and off-campus, however, these are not well documented or understood. 

In my previous work with Latinx students, undocumented students, and LGBTQ+ students at Cal Poly, we focused on campus health and wellbeing (Mansanger, Williams, & Bettergarcia, 2021) and barriers to accessing basic needs services (Mansanger, Bettergarcia, & Williams, 2022). To date we have not meaningfully examined the experiences of students at the intersections of these identities.

The proposed project provides mixed-method research experiences for bilingual Latinx LGBTQ+ students that centers community-based participatory research methods and a critical qualitative approach. The results of this work will inform the development of programs and services for students living at these intersections.

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Year in school
Major (and any minors)
Please share a few sentences about why you are interest in participating in this project.
Have you taken any research methods courses? If so, which ones? 
What other clubs, organizations, leadership or research experiences do you have that are in line with this project? (P.S. You don't need past research experience). 
Anything else you would like to share with us about our interests, experiences, or this project?
What are some of the skills or qualities that you bring to this team? (For example: Working well in teams, working independently, organization, timely, leadership, etc.)
Are you interested in volunteering as an RA or participating for course credit? 
For those interested in volunteering: How many hours are you available per week? (4-5 hours/week is typically the minimum)

For those participating for PSY/CD 448/449 internship credit: Are you available to commit to 12 hours per/week, which is required for internship? 
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