Mattering and Male Victims of Violence Survey

I am a postgraduate student at the University of Bolton undertaking my masters’ project under the supervision of Professor Jerome Carson.  The aim of my project is to understand the relationships between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), domestic abuse and violence (DAV) self-esteem, resilience, psychological wellbeing, and anti-mattering in male victims of violence.

 Participation is completely voluntary, and if you choose to complete the questionnaires, I anticipate this will take approximately 10 minutes.  There are five questionnaires to complete, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem survey which has 10 items, the CD Risc-10 which measures resilience, with 10 items, CORE-10 which is also a measures psychological wellbeing, ACE’s questionnaire which is a 10 item scale measuring adversity in childhood and finally anti-mattering, a 5-item questionnaire measuring how much an individual feels their views are listened to and that they matter to others. I have also asked a few additional questions relating to personal experiences including some questions relating to demographics, ACEs and DAV.

 Participation in my survey is completely voluntary. You are free to stop the survey at any time.  However, once you press ‘submit’ at the end of the survey, it is no longer possible to withdraw. All the information you and other participants provide will be anonymous and once submitted will be stored in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation.  Access to the data will be restricted to the researcher and supervisor.  By completing the survey, you will be providing your consent to take part. It would not be possible to identify any individual from their survey results, as we are looking for group differences.


The study has received ethical approval from the Psychology Department Ethics Committee at the University of Bolton.  It is not my intention that participation in my survey should cause you any distress, but if it does there are some helplines below, which all offer free support.


Mankind male domestic abuse survivors:  01823 3342 44


National Sexual Violence Survivors 24/7 support line 0808 500 2222


1in6 UK male survivors’ sexual violence support info:




Samaritans 116 123


MIND 0300 123 3393

 Thank you for taking the time to complete the study. Should you feel you require any additional information concerning this study please do not hesitate to contact either myself or Professor Carson.

Megan Booth                                   or       Professor Carson                    

The survey starts with a number of general questions that we need to collect for statistical purposes. It is important you know that this research is looking at group differences, e.g., The differences between demographic factors, e.g., younger versus older men. Your anonymity will be protected at all costs. Please only continue if you are male and 18 or over. 

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What is your age?
Which country do you live in?
Do you believe you have a mental health problem?  
Do you believe you had a traumatic childhood?
To what extent do you believe your childhood to have been traumatic?
 1 – 10 (with 1 = not at all traumatic and 10 = very traumatic)

Did you lose one of your parents before the age of 18?

Have you ever received counselling or therapy for your problems? 

If asked to describe yourself, which of the following would you say you were?



Have you been the victim of a physical assault during a close relationship?


If you answered yes to the previous question, what was your relationship to the person who assaulted you?

If you answered no to the previous question, please state N/A

Have you been the victim of sexual abuse during a close relationship?


If you answered yes to the previous question, what was the nature of your relationship with the person who abused you sexually?

If you answered no to the previous question, please state N/A



How would you describe your level of income?


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