VerbaAlpina 2nd Beta Feedback Form
Thanks for helping us test our newest proposed project! Your feedback will be vital to us as we improve this site and decide whether or not to promote it as an official Zooniverse project.
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Are the project goals clear?
It’s important volunteers have a clear idea of why they’re being asked to participate.
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Does the question/instruction for the task make sense?
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How easy or difficult did you find the task?
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If you answered 'Somewhat hard' or 'Very hard' which of the following best describes the problem?
Does the tutorial adequately prepare you to make a classification?
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Did you find the task help text useful?
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Was the field guide helpful?
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Did you read the additional information on other pages?
E.g. the 'Research' page or external links
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If 'yes', was the additional information useful?
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What (if any) additional information would you like added to the project?
Are there suitable Talk boards set up?
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If you answered 'no' to the previous question, please tell us what Talk boards you would like to see.
Do you like the name of the project?
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If you answered 'no' to the previous question, please feel free to suggest a name here.
In your opinion, is this project suitable for the Zooniverse?
For example, think about possible ethical or legal concerns
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If you answered 'No' to the previous question, please tell us why.
Do you have any other comments on the project?
If we decide to launch this project publicly, do you think you will take part?
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