1:1 Coaching Application
Thank you so much for your interest in 1:1 Training!

Investing in your health + wellness is an incredible step to take in your journey. Please take some time to answer the questions below with as much detail as possible. All information will remain confidential.

Once you submit your application, I will be in touch via email within 48 hours. I look forward to connecting!
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First and Last Name: *
Where are you located?  *
Instagram Handle: *
Email Address: *
How many times per week do you currently workout? *
What are your main health + wellness goals? Please be as detailed as possible. *
What type of workout plan are you most interested in?  *
If you selected at home workout plan, please describe in detail what equipment you have available at home: *
Have you worked with a Personal Trainer before? *
What draws you to Pray. Train. Grow.? *
Please describe any past or current medical conditions: *
Anything else you care to share: *
Are you willing to show up consistently and recognize that the lifestyle change you desire is ultimately up to you? *
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