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Sunrizon Economics International Economics Contest - High School (Grades 9-12) Division Submission Form
Submit your video for the Sunrizon Economics International Economics contest here (High School division - Grades 9-12)! To learn more about the contest, please visit this page:
By submitting an entry, you will be considered a Sunrizon Economics member. To gain access to member resources, please create an account here:
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What is your first name?
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What is your last name?
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What is your email address?
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What are your parents' email addresses?
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What is your teacher's email address?
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What grade are you in?
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What school do you attend?
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What is your country of residence?
Your answer
What is the title of your submission?
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Link to your YouTube Video
Must be 'Unlisted' or 'Public' - DO NOT make it private or password protected!
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By submitting, you give us permission to have your video published on
and the Wonderland Economics YouTube Channel (
) if you are a winner.
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